On March 15th, the general secretary and chairman Chen Daihui and general manager Guo Yanhong of BUCG met the general secretary and chairman Wang Chunjie and general manager Zhukai of Beijing Public Transport at Beiyuan Grand Hotel and discussed a deeper cooperation between parties. At the very beginning of the meeting, each party introduced the attendees. Later, they watched corporate videos to have a better understanding of the history, culture, industry mode and development vision of each other.
Wang Chunjie expressed his gratitude to BUCG for its warm reception. He then introduced Beijing Public Transport, which enjoys a history of near 100 years. Beijing Public Transport is engaged in ground public passenger transport and diversifies its industry in various fields, such as investment, mobile breakdown service, tourism. BUCG is leader of construction enterprise in Beijing, working out many construction wonders and enjoying high reputation at home and abroad. During the "13th Five-Year" period, both parties have a bright cooperative vision in the area of rail transport, estate development, investment and financing and so on.
Chen Daihua extended his welcome and showed his wish to deepen the relationship between parties. Both parties are state-owned enterprise, the development of which is closely related to the welfare of the masses. BUCG has six major industries and enjoys the advantage of coordinated development of industrial chain. Beijing Public Transport has rich intelligent transportation system and transportation services resources.
After the meeting, Zhu Kai and Guo Yanhong signed Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the enterprises.